
Creating a Blog


Tags: docs basics

The following will create a sample blog in the current directory:


$ litepub create

If you don't need the sample templates and posts use the --skeleton option:

$ litepub create --skeleton

Because the template files are required they will be still created but with no content.

Directory Structure

Each blog is stored in a directory with the following structure:

The create Command Reference

   litepub create [<dir>] [-s, --skeleton] [-q, --quiet]
   <dir>  The directory to create the blog in or look for; it will be created if
          it doesn't exist (only when creating a blog) [default: .]
   -s, --skeleton     Don't create sample posts and templates
   -q, --quiet        Show only errors

Next: Creating Posts

About me

Hi, i'm and this is my place.

This is my picture:

I'm a web developer. I like Ruby the most but i'm fine with other technology also. After all, it's just technology.

I work at topmonks.com. I also have my own tiny company Imagine Anything.

One of my side projects is DameData.cz. It's a web app which helps you to easily connect your business with accounting(czech market only right now). Check it out:

DameData.cz logo

Have a good one